This dataset allows you to view information about government spending. Disclosure of payments is based on the legislative requirements of CB-19-2011 which can be accessed via, which is an effort to provide enhanced transparency and convenient public access to this information. Certain expenditures are subject to review on a case-by-case basis to ensure that confidential or privileged material is maintained in accordance with legal requirements. As such, these expenditures may not appear on this website.
Unaudited data is updated quarterly for all payees with combined spending of $25,000 or more. When cumulative payee spending exceeds $25,000 threshold, all payments made during the Fiscal Year will be reported. Datasets, current and up to seven prior fiscal periods, will be available for your search by Fiscal Year. The following information will be displayed: Payee Name, County Agency Name, Payee Zip Code, Amount and Payment Description. Website options include: sorting, exporting data, creating graphs, and customizing your display format - among other features. There is an online tutorial.
If you have any questions or comments about this citizen portal site, please send an email at any time to:, or call 3-1-1 (301-883-4748), Monday - Friday, 7am - 7pm, and a Customer Service Representative will be glad to assist you.